Interview in Handelsblatt on the topic of 'Energy of the Future'

Verfolgen gemeinsam die Vision urbaner Ästhetik: Katja Boden und Till Jackenkroll

14 June 2024, in Handelsblatt
How urbanshell is revolutionizing heat pumps with design

Mr. Jackenkroll, you cover heat pumps, why?
As important as heat pumps are as an element of the energy transition, they have two crucial disadvantages: their appearance and noise. We solve both of these with our designer hoods, which reduce noise by up to 11.6 decibels and at the same time allow the heat pumps to blend in with modern, urban architecture.

Do noise and appearance play such a big role in heat pumps?
Maybe not at first, but we know from various discussions with manufacturers and installers that both aspects can seriously disturb the peace in the neighborhood. On the one hand, there is of course the actual noise pollution, and on the other hand the so-called visual noise. People have reported a disturbance to the police even though the heat pump had not yet been connected. This underlines the important contribution our designer hood can make, which is something we are also hearing from all sides.

Ms. Boden, urbanshell is part of the POHL Group, which has played a key role in shaping the architectural image of many cities for 160 years. In your opinion, how important is it to integrate new urban trends in an aesthetically sophisticated way?

The example of our designer hood underlines it impressively: As a society, we develop solutions for the major problems of our time, but often only encounter new challenges in the course of this development. Our aim is therefore to keep an eye on megatrends and to work on new solutions with our expertise and know-how. And sometimes it is just a small detail that makes the difference.

Does this mean that urbanshell will present further solutions for urban living spaces in the future?
We are working on this, because the expansion of electromobility or the mobility transition in urban areas can be combined with modern residential architecture in a much more appealing and practical way.


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