Tips on theft protection for heat pumps

Tipps rund um den Diebstahlschutz für die Wärmepumpe

Heat pumps are not only at the mercy of wind and weather: due to their exposed location outside the house, they are increasingly becoming the target of brazen thieves.

Anyone who has decided to heat their building with a heat pump should therefore take appropriate safety measures.

In this article we give you helpful tips for heat pump theft protection.

Heat pump: Theft protection is essential

 Many Germans rely on heat pumps as a climate-friendly heating alternative. However, the high purchase price and easy accessibility mean that the number of heat pump thefts is increasing: the external unit of air-water heat pumps or uninstalled heat pumps in unfinished buildings in particular seem to have become the target of criminals. The damage caused by the theft is often in the five-figure euro range - an immense financial setback for every homeowner.
This makes it all the more important to pay due attention to the issue of theft protection for the heat pump.

How to reduce the risk of heat pump theft

Choose your location wisely

If you install a heat pump in direct view of busy paths or streets, this is more likely to invite theft and vandalism. A more discreet positioning in a hidden location is therefore considered to be an efficient heat pump theft protection. Some devices can even be mounted directly on the house wall, while others, depending on their load capacity, could be placed on a flat roof. Natural barriers, such as a robust garden border or the strategic placement of bushes, can also protect your system from unwanted glances. You should always ensure that the air circulation of the heat pump is not impaired and that the device remains accessible for maintenance work.

Secure the heat pump sufficiently

Heat pumps are normally located on a free-standing concrete foundation. A firm screw connection to the latter is already a first hurdle in the case of theft. In addition, so-called shear nuts prevent the pump from being removed from the foundation: these nuts can only be loosened with special tools and tear as soon as commercially available tools are used. Fixing the screws using a welding point provides an additional level of security.

Cover heat pump to prevent theft

With an enclosure for heat pumps, you are opting for functionality, protection and design in one product. It not only gives the unsightly devices an attractive appearance: it is usually also equipped with an anti-theft device, protects the expensive heat pump from unauthorized access and signals the owner's security awareness.
The heat pump cladding climateguard from urbanshell, for example, is made of robust, high-quality aluminum, which sets visual accents in urban design and scores with excellent quality “made in Germany”.

FAQ on heat pump theft protection

Effective theft protection for heat pumps combines several security measures:

  • Location selection
  • anchoring
  • Use of shear nuts
  • Welding point on screws
  • Cladding

A heat pump housing makes direct access to the device and its dismantling significantly more difficult and protects the system from vandalism. Such a casing is also aesthetically pleasing, as it visually integrates the heat pump harmoniously into the surroundings and also "camouflages" it.

In the urbanshell online shop, you can quickly and easily buy high-quality cladding as theft protection for your heat pump. Choose from various designs and color nuances to find exactly the enclosure that fits your home perfectly.

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